Called to Covenant Life of Abundance
God’s covenants were either conditional or unconditional. This book traces the development of unconditional covenants mainly through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These patriarchs were inheritors of unconditional covenants God made to establish the nation of Israel.
But inherent in these three covenant Patriarchs, were conditional covenant that we can lay claim to. There are covenant blessings in each of these patriarchs that provides a life of abundance. There are blessings of abundance promised to Abraham that we can lay claim to. There are blessings of abundance promised to Isaac that we can lay claim to and experience. But Jacob surpassed them all.
God cut covenant with Jacob even before Jacob had any real spiritual relationship with Him. Jacob was the most blessed, the most colorful of all the Patriarchs. He leaves behind him abundance upon abundance of great promises.
Moses introduced the era of conditional covenants, covenants that promised to make us the head and not the tail, blessed in the city, in the fields.
Noah was the undisputed king of abundance. This covenant is not only the transcendent covenant, but it is chock full of blessings that are currently blessing the whole world- Believers and unbelievers!
David received the sure covenant mercies of God and God vowed to be a Keeper of Covenant through David.
Enough said! Get a copy of this text for your personal life.
If you are a pastor of a church, a leader of any kind in your church, then this is an ideal book for your group- men, women, youth, etc. It is also a great text for Bible Study AND for your Sunday School Department.
Tap into this well of covenant blessings of abundance.
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