Called to Covenant Life of Abundance

My latest book is entitled Called to Covenant. Actually, the better title for this work is “Called to Covenant Life of Abundance”. In every covenant God created with His people, there were abundant blessings inherent in all of them for each of us.

God’s covenants were either conditional or unconditional. This book traces the development of unconditional covenants mainly through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These patriarchs were inheritors of unconditional covenants God made to establish the nation of Israel.

But inherent in these three covenant Patriarchs, were conditional covenant that we can lay claim to. There are covenant blessings in each of these patriarchs that provides a life of abundance. There are blessings of abundance promised to Abraham that we can lay claim to. There are blessings of abundance promised to Isaac that we can lay claim to and experience. But Jacob surpassed them all.

God cut covenant with Jacob even before Jacob had any real spiritual relationship with Him. Jacob was the most blessed, the most colorful of all the Patriarchs. He leaves behind him abundance upon abundance of great promises.

Moses introduced the era of conditional covenants, covenants that promised to make us the head and not the tail, blessed in the city, in the fields.

Noah was the undisputed king of abundance. This covenant is not only the transcendent covenant, but it is chock full of blessings that are currently blessing the whole world- Believers and unbelievers!

David received the sure covenant mercies of God and God vowed to be a Keeper of Covenant through David.

Enough said! Get a copy of this text for your personal life.

If you are a pastor of a church, a leader of any kind in your church, then this is an ideal book for your group- men, women, youth, etc. It is also a great text for Bible Study AND for your Sunday School Department.

Tap into this well of covenant blessings of abundance.

Order your book today.

Call Dr. Basden at 502. 322-0253 or email drasbasden@gmail.

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You WON’T be disappointed- Satisfaction GUARANTEED!!!


Hannah did the unthinkable.  She was so despised, so humiliated, and felt so un-woman-like that she petitioned God constantly for a child.  While we celebrate Motherhood, Hannah is not your typical candidate as a celebrant of this significant honoring of mothers.
No matter how Elkanah tried to appease her, she was relentless in her request to God, not for motherhood, BUT for womanhood.  In Jewish society, to be barren was almost to not be a woman.  Reproduction was more important than recreation.  No one really cared too much for the activity of sexual intimacy.  What really mattered was the fruit, the outcome- pregnancy.  That proved womanhood more than anything else.
To be barren was to be considered as cursed.  Hannah wanted to proof, evidence that she was a woman.  That would come only through childbearing.   So she pursued Divine aid through bitter tears.   Eventually she bargained with God.  So to God she bantered- “If you would give me a son ( evidence of womanhood),  I would give it to You (sacrifice of motherhood).”
God heard her.  She conceived.  She was a woman- WHEW! ! !  FINALLY! ! !.  Now she will keep her word, her end of the bargain.  She waited until Samuel was weaned, then she shipped him of (motherhood rescinded) to the House of the Lord to be raised in and for the service of God.  Motherhood was sacrificed fore Womanhood.


Abraham, our Father of faith was not perfect either.  But on the incline, his faith was greater than his faults; on the pendulum of his life’s experiences, his faith outweighed his faults.  Despite his humanity, God’s divinity overshadowed his humanity.
Sometimes we feel that we have to be perfect in order for God to use us, or that He won’t use or  bless us
because we doubt Him, or have moral failures.  Abe teaches us that God’s  mercy, at times, transcends our faults, our doubts.”
Be encouraged to know that He who knows our end from the beginning, has nevertheless called us, commissioned us, and still challenges us to press on to achieve His purpose in our lives.  He knows you, knew you, yet He called you.



In Gen. 7:20 The Word tells us that God allowed the flood to cover the mountains by at least 20 + feet. Now that was NOT necessary, or was it?
Whatever God does is not accidental, but intentional. You ever heard about mountain goats? I could imagine that there were some other animals that could have climbed the mountains for safety. Some animals, some obstacles have a propensity toward skillful deceptions and craftiness. But 20 + feet allowed complete, comprehensive assurance of the death of every living thing-man and beast.
Now I know about being on a boat and riding deep waters. But sometimes, especially if you are in the waters of South Beach, there could be a rock that juts out and there goes your engine,the hull of your boat and YOU !
God allowed 20 + feet spacial difference between the highest mountain peak and the hull of the boat- LORD HAVE MERCY… I already feel a preechin’ comin’ on up in here, up in here.
May God allow you plenty distance, the security of comfort, and additional peace above the highest peaks of your enemy. May God allow you the 20 + feet of clearance,the security of peace, and comfort above your highest and greatest obstacle. May God allow you to float on the security, the peace and comfort of His promises to you.
You see, some obstacles sneak up on you. Some natural disasters just up on you and blind side you. They just seem to come out of nowhere. Some of your human enemies are crafty and might navigate the highest peaks of your patience, your blessings to damage your hull, your base, your God destined- foundation. Heaven knows you need the security, the comfort and peace of extra clearance.
And you know what, Noah did not even know about the extra grace of the 20 + feet. May God give you the spiritual and metaphorical comfort of 20 + feet today, and always.
May you experience this God of abundance, high clearance.
No wonder something deep on the inside caused Noah to offer a sweet smelling aromatic sacrifice to God when he embarked on dry ground.
Give God the Glory RIGHT NOW for your 20 feet.